Maternity Session : Still a Women Centric Shoot ?
Is it all about the women?
The answer is NO. we would request all husbands to be equally involved in the shoot. It is just not about the women posing with their baby bump, men should be equally involved and participative in the session. As a team we always do better.
How can we make a maternity shoot perfect as a team, here are few tips.
As much as the women’s gowns are important men as well need to check out how can they best match up to their wives. Wait for your wives to choose their gown first. Once they have picked their color then sensibly try to coordinate it. You can check out few images on the internet to get a better idea. For example : Red for women and black for men is always a hit, You can also pair up white with white or any light colors.

If in doubt always speak to your photographer. They are the best advisers. Try to wear solids. A white shirt, black or navy blue is a classic. For studio shoots always dress up like a gentlemen.
Enjoy the session. Keep your wife pepped up. Crack some jokes and keep the atmosphere fun to go and a little romantic. Hold your wife with lots and lots of LOVE. Posing together is very important. Try few poses before coming.
Listen well to the photographer to get the best face profiles & body postures. Keep checking the pictures in between so that you get a fair idea as to how you both are doing together. Keep motivating your wife when her solo shots are in process.
A happy couple creates happy pictures after all.
Happy clicking.
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